Dear Dad,
Dear Dad, is an award-winning short documentary film created by Melissa Pihos. “The film explores the effects of Alzheimer’s by juxtaposing photos and footage of her father from his days as a player for the Philadelphia Eagles, during the late 1940s to mid-1950s, with images of him today. But it’s the relationship between Pihos and her father –– illustrated through pictures and letters, most notably one written by her father after her parents’ divorce –– that proved especially poignant for the filmmaker and her audiences.” (goTriad June 2009).
Dear Dad, plays a significant role in PIHOS A Moving Biography which will be touring this summer as Alzheimer’s Association benefit events in Charlotte and Winston-Salem, NC, Philadelphia, PA and New York City, NY
“The show explores various aspects of my Dad’s life and his struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. It will help raise financial support for Alzheimer’s Associations as well as raise awareness to the devastating disease that plaques our nation.”
-Melissa Pihos
PIHOS: A Moving Biography Tour is a sponsored project of Artspire, a Program of NYFA, a 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization. Contributions on behalf of PIHOS: A Moving Biography Tour must be made payable to Artspire, a Program of NYFA, ans are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donations can be made online at or sent to
Melissa Pihos
2755 Winslow Lane
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Upon the loss of my father I felt compelled to announce, here, my current work on a film to document his life. Pihos: A Life in Five Movements is a feature-length documentary about Pete Pihos’ life and my journey to rediscover it. My dad is a Hall of Fame football player, a WWII veteran, and a first generation Greek immigrant. But, at the end of his life he was overwhelmed by a disease that he fought hard but couldn’t beat. This disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, not only took away his health but also his memory. This film will be a documentary that journals my travels to revisit the places of my father’s life. It will recall, on-screen, the memories he lost for the rest of the world to cherish alongside me.
The film is currently in the pre-production phases and we will be shooting and editing throughout 2011 and 2012.
-Melissa Pihos
PIHOS: A Life in Five Movements is a sponsored project of Artspire, a Program of NYFA, a 501(c)(3), tax exempt organization. Contributions on behalf of PIHOS: A Life in Five Movements must be made payable to Artspire, a Program of NYFA, and are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donations can be made online at sent to
Melissa Pihos
2755 Winslow Lane
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Dear Dad, Awards and Screenings:
Twin Rivers Media Festival, Asheville, NC -May 2009, Western North Carolina Achievement Award, 3rd Place in Experimental film division
Tacoma Film Festival, Tacoma, WA - Oct. 2009
Couch Fest Films, Seattle WA – Nov. 2009
Indie Fest, LaJolla, CA, Award of Merit for short documentary Oct. 2009
Carolina Film and Video Festival, Greensboro, NC – Feb. 2010
Mike Ditka recently added Dear Dad, to his Gridiron Greats Assistance Fund website: